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harla007 t1_iuhvajz wrote

As a woman, I do not trust women who do not have any female friends. There is always a clear reason why. I am not talking about the woman who has 1-2 *good* girl friends and most of the time she's a guy's girl where her interests and hobbies have brought natural male friendships. No, I am referring to the gal who constantly talks about how "girls are dRaMA!!" or "I just DoN'T gEt aLonG wiTh oThEr girLs! TheY'Re jeaLOuS oF mE!!!@!" Or the one who gravitates only to male companionship because they crave the validation for whatever reason. Staying in touch platonically with a long term ex is different than staying in touch with every guy you've sent nudes to and hooked up with. Red flags everywhere here, my dude.