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t1_iyaliv1 wrote

Probably because you're not the least bit approachable. Just because a woman is attractive doesn't mean men are just going to fawn all over them. If I had to pick between approaching an 8 who looks friendly and has a nice vibe going on versus going after a 10 where they think they're gods gift to earth, arms crossed with a don't talk to me face, I'm going after the 8 every time.

Approachability matters.


t1_iyam82l wrote

If you want men to approach you, how about making the first move. Like give a hint (how subtle depends on you) to let them know you are available and willing to mingle. Or you could completely skip past the hinting and just approach the men you want to be approached by. Be forward, men like not having to chase at times.

As to why you aren't being approached, I can't tell from your brief descriptions. If i were to make an educated guess maybe it's because they are intimidated by how attractive you are. Maybe it could be the fact that you have an inapproachable vibe about you. Maybe they think you are spoken for already. The list is endless but those could be some.


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t1_iyaoa3m wrote

Do you smile? Smiling isn’t natural for me but the moment I started practicing, people’s attitudes towards me changed, both from men and women. Approachability is everything.


t1_iyap1tb wrote

You have just learned the lesson that so many others need to learn - getting active interest from others has almost nothing to do with how you look. It's all about how approachable and interactive you are.

If you engage in small talk and look interested in others, they will be interested in you. If you are aloof, shy, quiet, or always appear self-involved or busy, they will not approach you. The exceptions to this will be people with really shitty social skills or nothing at all to lose.

Make an effort to be more social.