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shroomcitie t1_iyegp7b wrote

Reply to comment by VariationX7 in is this cheating? by [deleted]

i’m not really emotionally invested i was just kind of bored and curious so it didn’t really feel like cheating to me. and i still don’t feel guilty


VariationX7 t1_iyeh4ed wrote

Flirting and sexting is defo at least an emotional affair. Idk what to tell you, you clearly said you feel no remorse for being unfaithful, what are you gonna do the next time you feel curious and bored?


smoozagoozle t1_iyetqo2 wrote

This comment makes me so happy I’m not in a relationship with someone like you

You guys are doomed to fail. I can only imagine what else you’re hiding or lying about because you don’t “think it’s that bad”

Mam, that is your toxic trait and if this relationship fails it will largely be because of you