Submitted by t3_z948sl in relationship_advice

I F(18) is in a talking stage with (let's call him) Jacob (21)M. We met earlier this year, and we kind of just liked each other after a while, our goals just aligned and he's a really good guy. Like a really really good guy, the type that opens doors door you, walks you home and to class, is genuinely interested in your ideas and really takes his time to listen and understand you. And he's so caring it warms my heart, he's the type of guy that will send you paragraphs telling you about how he feels about you and how much he appreciates you. And it was all going great until the smell came. I first noticed it before we even got together, but it wasn't an everyday thing, And you could only smell it if you got really really close to him, I even thought I imagined it. Because it was a once in a blue moon occurrence. This was before we kissed.

Then we started kissing and it wasn't an outright bad smell, it was more subtle. But then we continued kissing and it just became more pronounced. And it was really gross, because even when we'd stop. I could smell his bad breath on me. And so I stopped kissing him because I couldn't bring myself to anymore. I really wanted to kiss him but I'd regret it afterwards because I felt gross and I'd force myself not to pull away because of the smell. (Other than the bad breath we also stopped kissing because it was getting too steamy and I wanted to wait before we went too far)

We don't kiss anymore, but his bad breath is an everyday thing now. And I don't know what to do, I've to tried looking up different ways to get rid of bad breath and I've talked to him about it, but I haven't seen any improvements it's only gotten worse. And now I'm starting to think he might really just not take good care of his teeth. And it sucks, because he's such a good guy but his breath so baddd. It's to the point where I can tell when he's talking and when he's not, because yes, it's that bad. And it's really affecting how I feel about him. I'm beginning to get resentful but I don't want to. I don't even want to kiss him anymore, and I find myself unsure of my feelings for him. He's honestly the perfect guy, but his breath is just getting to me. I just can't anymore.

Anyone have a cure for bad breath?



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t1_iyf0oe8 wrote

It might be tonsil stones . They smell like death. Only treatment is to remove the tonsils