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PixieOnAcid t1_j2eiw98 wrote

I think this is a matter that needs to be worked out in couple's counseling.

Does she still want to be a SAHM? When you're home does she still get to go out and work on her hobbies like you tried to do over the break? When is the last time she went out of the house and did something just for herself without your or your child? It sounds to me like she either resents you for being able to lock yourself in a room away from them for the day, and/or she doesn't respect that while you're locked in your office or wherever you do your work, that you're actually working and not just relaxing in there.

It does sound like you do help out a good amount with your child but is there anything you can do to help with the mental load on your wife?

It might be worth looking into getting a babysitter for one day every couple of weeks so your wife can go out and get a break. Either that or discuss her going back to work and you getting childcare.


ThrowRA_tireddad22 OP t1_j2ejrgb wrote

I do take of work every Wednesday for a few hours her to go to counseling and fridays I quit early so she can go to yoga.