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Kwikasfukii t1_j6pg59n wrote

Ouch, I’m sorry to hear that happened to them. Honestly sounds like real bad luck because generally it’s true they don’t usually send out the nudes. Best action is to block and ignore all messages straight away rather than engage with them. My friends privatised their socials, changed passwords and posted to say they were hacked and to ignore any private messages received. One of my friends did however say “go for it I’ve been looking for that last push to kill myself” before blocking them. So maybe that scared the scammer off as that would cause a lot of media attention to these scams


worcesternellie t1_j6phnww wrote

Yeah it really sucks. The one who had them shared multiple times is neurodivergent and gets a majority of their social interaction through social media, so it's been very hard on them. I wish there was more that could be done about these types of scams but it seems like the internet is the wild west these days.