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Unfairly_Certain t1_j6nt991 wrote

Making a narcissist understand your side of of an issue is like talking to the kitchen table. It’s not going to happen. You might want to check out the narcissism communities here on Reddit and the “grey rock” method of communication.


Main-Elephant2985 OP t1_j6ntgjq wrote

Yes. That’s what I was doing. That’s why he said he called my parents because I would not talk to him about what he was upset about.


Unfairly_Certain t1_j6orsq4 wrote

The thing about being a grey rock is you can’t break even when he draws other people in, otherwise he will learn that this is an effective method to get under your skin.

And if your parents, due to their own religious beliefs, are willing to become his flying monkeys, you might need to take a step back from that relationship as well. Or at least stop discussing certain topics with them.