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GandhiOwnsYou t1_j9vev7g wrote

I don't think that was their point, but still. The cross section of Richmond Suburbanites who would frequent a country western bar and confederate sympathizers is... not an inconsequential one. I graduated from Lee-Davis and was raised in Mechanicsville my whole life, and basically everyone I personally know in the area that's into the whole "boots, hats n' trucks" thing is still at least a little bitter about the statues and the schools. It's not everyone, but it's enough for a broad generalization.

Maybe that doesn't travel as well into some of the other suburban areas, but that's been my experience at least.

edit: I should also point out I don't have anything against country, it just seems to go hand in hand with conservatism around here. I lived in TN for a few years and Nashville was kind of a revelation, in that I could enjoy country music without feeling smothered by the whole weird redneck vibe it gets smothered in around here.


frobro122 OP t1_j9vpiub wrote

I might be in the same boat, most places I have lived country bars have been a pretty mixed or politically neutral crowd