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ttd_76 t1_j8vjcyr wrote

Thar's exactly what happened. Car drove into it.

Source: Another customer asked the cashier about it when I was in there last week.


8bitmullet t1_j8vvi61 wrote

Probably someone too lazy to walk inside because they make you pay before pumping gas there.

(Which is why I never go there because unless you’re psychic you will always overpay or leave with a tank that’s not full)


dreww4546 t1_j8wi177 wrote

2 options 1 a car outside drove into it 2 a car was inside and drove out


PayneTrainSG t1_j8wxfpp wrote

Reckless terrorism at the hands of the braod st bullies :(


fusion260 t1_j8wyorp wrote

Driver must have read this article about how common cars crashing into 7-Eleven locations are and that they just paid $91M (!!!) to someone who lost both legs from being pinned between the store and a car.


Radical-Normie t1_j8xye0j wrote

Maybe if the 7-11 wasn’t looking at its phone it wouldn’t have been hit by the car.