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opienandm t1_ja9e131 wrote

Even the developers are coming here from NoVa


St1Drgn t1_ja9giqc wrote

That name... it just feels odd...


batkave t1_jaav85p wrote

Oh man my NIMBY neighbors are about to complain a lot on nextdoor and Facebook


chasetwisters t1_jab245q wrote

That resturaunt spot just looks destined for failure due to the difficult access


edentel t1_jab2paa wrote

Not to mention the dump/quarry just off to the upper right. Hope folks do the due diligence before purchase and aren’t shocked after.


goodsam2 t1_jad7rs8 wrote

I think we basically created the developer group by adding regulations. Developers basically came about because they jump through regulations and funding and stuff otherwise it would mostly be construction workers.

Pre-1980 the amount of "developers" was much greater because you could just turn a single family home into 3 row homes.

Developers wouldn't really come from elsewhere to build 3 houses on the former property of one.

Who builds and what gets built is partially based on size.


turnipmeatloaf t1_jadbw4f wrote

Oh great, more car dependent sprawl. Just because it brings density, doesn’t mean it’s the right kind of density