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americandragon13 t1_j9tjgkc wrote

Literally part of the reason the AAA Braves left was bc the diamond was in disrepair. Not the whole reason, but a part of it. That was years ago.

Talhimer has some massive plan to purchase the whole complex from the city and renovate it into a whole area. Similar to the Battery and Truist Park for the MLB Braves in Atlanta (highly recommend visiting if you haven’t and are a baseball fan, great atmosphere) But that plan is definitely years away from ever being put in motion, and by then the squirrels may be gone.


DanSRedskins t1_j9u82ys wrote

Is the diamond not one of the ugliest parks you've ever seen? Usually baseball parks are a hole in the ground and the concourse opens up at street level. At the diamond they built bleachers and make you climb up. It's so bad.