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t1_j89hv4x wrote

Shokoe Bottom is essentially a bowl between Navy Hill and Church Hill. Water runs downhill and collects into larger and larger puddles. The flood wall is meant to keep the overflowing James River from flooding into the bowl not to prevent the collection of water from the run off.


t1_j8ab0n3 wrote

Yes but why is water pouring out of this tower of this structure?

Also what is this structure? A hate house? Pump house? Milf island embassy?


t1_j8agowp wrote

Combined sewage overflow I'd think. Looks like a lift station, so that's doodoo.


t1_j8bpsbs wrote

yeah but when there's enough rain for a CSO, what you're seeing is like 0.1% or less doo doo by volume (ddbv) compared to the insane amount of water contained in a rainstorm.

a 1-inch rainstorm deposits a little over a billion gallons of water, just in the city limits (27,154 gallons per acre, 40,040 acres in the CoR). The entire flow of the james river is 1.8 billion gallons per day.

So a 1 inch rainstorm dumps the equivalent of the entire james river's flow for about 12-13 hours into our sewer system.

The state of virginia estimates the average person generates 75 gallons of sewage every day. With a population of 226,000, lets use the number 100 gallons per person per day. That comes to 22 million gallons of water. 22 million into 1 billion is about 2.2 percent.

And that 100 gallon figure includes grey and black water. So the vast majority of it is going to be from your shower, dishwasher, washing machine, and sink. Unless you personally produce 100 gallons of feces in a day, I think its safe to say the average person produces less than 1 gallon of actual waste in a day.

Which brings the final number to about 226,000 gallons of actual doodoo out of 1 billion gallons of rainwater = not all that much doodoo, really.

I mean I definitely wouldn't drink it, but I bet it actually is cleaner than the water that's already in the james (and has accumulated runoff from farms upstream).


t1_j8bfbd9 wrote

It’s a pump station that is probably overflow because they didn’t close the flood gates it’s purpose is to pump water out once you close the flood walls because the drainage won’t flow normally out of this area. The water is probably overflow and from the pump station as the the pump station is likely on a minimum run capacity.

Basically cause the walls aren’t closed it’s not really doing the job it’s intended to do so they are just letting it roll.