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Astronaut-Ordinary t1_j9jon1i wrote


dj1200techniques t1_j9judwh wrote

Yea, just re-read it. At the bottom it says the article has been updated to reflect an accurate location but nowhere does it even mention an address or cross streets. Are you looking at a different article?


jeb_hoge t1_j9jz05u wrote

The overhead photos of the intersection and existing stores were the details.


dj1200techniques t1_j9ksivw wrote

Man I thought that shit was an ad SMH


jeb_hoge t1_j9kuqjd wrote

I can understand that. I live close to the site so I recognized it, but WRIC could definitely have done a better job of presenting the information.


dj1200techniques t1_j9l5cdd wrote

No no, Im obviously a moron because I didn’t read the article 🙄