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DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j9ynk48 wrote

I find it odd that Richmond didn't make the list.


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_j9yqrx6 wrote

I think it's out of state searches only. I also think RTD sucks. But easy enough to post here while reading, and it's the sort of thing people find interesting. Some of the order is minorly interesting


needsexyboots t1_j9yshc0 wrote

Virginia Beach and Charlottesville aren’t out of state though


Charlesinrichmond OP t1_j9ysp12 wrote

hmm. You are forcing me to make an RTD article make sense. I'm going to have to start inventing things here. Outside of Richmond Metro? With "Washington" defined as "all of Metro DC including Nova"?