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xtremetuffguy t1_ja9swoz wrote

Look at the google reviews and watch how the owner gaslights everyone that posts less than 5 stars. Sort by least for a good laugh.


PuzzleheadedDesk6652 t1_ja9tu0y wrote

I’ve seen those before. I feel like if you have a good business you don’t need to belittle bad reviewers because eventually the good reviews will outweigh them. And at the very least some constructive criticism should be considered since coffeeshops imo should be community cornerstones.


jodyhighrola t1_jacuahn wrote

I left a good review with a side note that the seating wasn’t very efficient at the time and he responded with snark. Stopped going once Riverbend leveled up. I should’ve done so after paying $9+ for a specialty drink tbh.

We need more coffee competition here. That’s how I measure how far along a city is in its boom. We don’t even have late night cafes yet.