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toller_kate t1_j8y2tz7 wrote

Can confirm concierge medicine is ruining healthcare, also Reynolds primary care is great.

Edit: for all the posts on this sub about long wait times and hard to find a PCP, this is why. A lot of good docs have drastically cut their patient population down to around, maybe 1600 patients, and good luck to the rest. A lack of providers is a real problem right now, and sorry, but concierge isn't helping.


solostinlost t1_j8ygpqs wrote

I don’t think concierge medicine is ruining healthcare. I think it exists as a result of our healthcare system already failing.

I’m currently trying to get seen by a doctor for some pain/discomfort without paying thousands of dollars for an ER visit (even with insurance). My old PCP dropped me after 3 years of inactivity, urgent care doesn’t really have the resources for what I currently need, and new patient PCP appts aren’t available for weeks. In my search for care options, this concierge model keeps coming up and sounds like the best option. Idk just my two cents as somebody currently frustrated with our healthcare system. I’ve been having issues for almost 2 weeks and wouldn’t be able to get in with traditional primary care til the end of the month.


Cerebraleffusion t1_j93f0dj wrote

Concierge medical care is a natural progression of the capitalist death cult we all know, worship, and love.