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onewaybackpacking t1_j9y6q8k wrote

Asshole cat jumped a baby gate to let me know at 545 he was hungry. Little shit has been locked in the litter room for about two hours now.

Today: watch it rain and do some painting and baking.

Tomorrow: finish all of the yard work. Get the lawn chemicals down. Spray the wood with stuff to keep the carpenter bees out. Finish the compost bins. Maybe a bike ride.


only-hooman t1_j9yy2ef wrote

You're likely just encouraging your cat to behave worse. Or take a nap lol depending on the personality. Positive reinforcement is the way.

Also how have you gone this long without an automatic feeder?


skeevy-stevie t1_j9y7cs6 wrote

Never thought of spraying to keep carpenter bees out. Does it work well?


robyoungin t1_j9yamtu wrote

Seconding this, what do you spray?


onewaybackpacking t1_j9yext9 wrote

It MAY be Avesta but don’t quote me on that. Juggling a few things and can’t quite check right now.


onewaybackpacking t1_j9ybe0v wrote

A: I’m probably going to get hate for killing the bees

B: yes it does more or less keep them from digging into the brand new deck stuff built a few years ago and reduces my need to constantly fill in holes with a mix of sawdust and wood glue all spring and summer long.


skeevy-stevie t1_j9ybl2s wrote

I mean, does it kill them, or deter them?

Edit - either way, I’m pro bee, but I can’t have them destroying my brand new deck.