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CantBan-TheSnowman t1_j9y4h4o wrote

When seconds count, the police are only minutes hours away.

Your safety is your own responsibility. Stay strapped.


socoyankee t1_j9y7tra wrote

Unfortunately that doesn’t help in medical emergencies, but I catch your drift.


ImmobilizedbyCheese t1_j9yv1in wrote

Yes. More guns are the solution.


CantBan-TheSnowman t1_j9z32kh wrote

Yeah, pretending bad people don’t exist and choosing to be defenseless because you refuse to accept reality is the solution. You can choose to be a victim if you want, but it’s none of your business if others choose differently.


allmimsyburogrove t1_j9zcpen wrote

according to overwhelming (and I mean overwhelming) evidence, guns are the problem.


GrumpyNewYorker t1_ja12s3h wrote

Hey. Putting words in italics doesn’t make them true. Switzerland would have similar gun violence stats if access to firearms was the root cause of our problems. There are progressive policies that can fix those problems, but shredding the Constitution just a little bit ain’t one of them.


wayoutwest85 t1_ja7udim wrote

They got there in 2 minutes. Stop spreading misinformation, you didn’t call the cops. When have you called the cops in an emergency?