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PopularMedicinetoday t1_jd2zetn wrote

It's almost like people who do vague complaints also give vague solutions when pushed to explain. It's almost like they have no clue what they are talking about and aren't actually involved to understand the context.

Anyone who thinks RPS schools haven't gotten better in the last 3, 5, 10, etc. years is just making noise. I'm actually quite shocked as how much of an improvement we have seen... but nothing can be done overnight.


"ThEy ShoULd JuSt Do tHiS ThiNg I rEcOmMenD!!" are the same type of people who show up to school board meetings and stifle the entire process. Complainers get involved when it makes them feel good...they show up to a meeting, break glass, and then complain on why people have cuts on their feet from walking on glass and how "iT sHouLd bE CLeaNeD uP!!"

Don't even get me started on these types of peoples' voting history.

I'm looking at you "anti-drawing school lines equally" parents who want the perks of living in an already established "good" school district and then have the gonads and strife to complain about RPS schools not being good.