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theb0tman t1_jc2rtp4 wrote

I'm also in a row home. It sounds like you might not have rear parking, but if you do just install a charger there. Lots of them installed like this in the fan / museum etc


PopularMedicinetoday t1_jc2t7up wrote

I don’t have your parking but I can make we are parking parking. I’m debating building a garage with a second story. My biggest thing is we love gardening and we love the small yard so I think I’d rather just do street charging.


theb0tman t1_jc35zm9 wrote

Gah garage with ADU would be dope but so expensive


PopularMedicinetoday t1_jc3rmgl wrote

I wonder how much it would cost… any ideas?


theb0tman t1_jc40uer wrote

Gosh. In todays market you might be better off buying another house. My neighbor priced out a garage + 800sqft ADU for something like 300k. That was a couple years ago. Wild