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Chickenmoons t1_iugca8d wrote

VCU tried to pave a parking lot over the Devil’s Half Acre in the last 20 years.

Major cigarette corporations were headquartered here and used to give free cigarettes away to anyone including children on the street for free.

95 running through downtown was originally the Richmond/Petersburg Turnpike and was voted on multiple times by Richmond residents and voted down each time and ultimately still approved as a result of the State Legislature overruling those votes.

Opponents of school integration not only protested Brown vs. Board of education by organizing caravan protests from Richmond to D.C. to drive around and cause a ruckus but they also founded many of the private schools around town to prevent integration.

The Commonwealth Club used to not only be segregated but was also a restricted club (no Jewish members period or Women allowed beyond the foyer)

Edit: There’s also a book about ghost sightings by Capitol police officers. For example an entire balcony collapsed at the Capitol and killed lots of people.