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revel911 t1_isk1tiu wrote

Give it a few months when it is 10 degrees here and 69 degrees there.


Charlesinrichmond t1_isk2qcg wrote

10 is incredibly rare here. and never in day. Average day temp at coldest time is in low 50s, see weather data on wunderground.

I would take even colder than that to escape Florida


McFlare92 t1_isk63ec wrote

Yeah I am always puzzled when people talk about it being 10 or 15 degrees in Richmond. That is very very rare


Charlesinrichmond t1_isk6uj9 wrote

people will also tell you about our regular blizzards here. I've had so many people tell me about regular epic snow falls. None of which I've actually seen.

At a guess 10 degrees would be the record overnight low during the crazy freeze once in the last decade. The ASHRAE hvac design temp here, ie as low as it reasonably goes, is 19


C14R16 t1_islsysb wrote

The blizzard of '96 was epic


Charlesinrichmond t1_islxff0 wrote

they actually were. But also 28 years ago. And 12"....

per WRIC

When it all was added up, Richmond ended up with a foot of snow at the airport. Just like in 2016, there were higher amounts in the West End. It also marks the last time we have officially received a foot of snow from a storm here.


zapatoada t1_isk9jme wrote

We'll get down to the low 20s daytime during like a polar vortex event but that's only a week every couple years.


Captain_Tiberius t1_isomkw9 wrote

FWIW - During the early January 2018 cold snap, we had record lows of 2 degrees and -3 degrees on consecutive nights. In February 2015, it got down to 4 degrees. So single digits do happen, although they are rare.


Charlesinrichmond t1_isovmtn wrote

they absolutely happen. But those were literal record setting events. Beyond rare, unique. Which is why the ASHRAE temps are the most useful.


kneel_yung t1_iskmqla wrote

lol yeah that's like only 20 degrees above the coldest temperature ever recorded here, since records began, of -12.

Dead of february is the coldest time of year here and it rarely dips below 20, and when it does it's only at night. I vaguely remember going to work one morning and it was 19 at 8am. Absolute coldest day temps in richmond that you see on a regular basis are mid 20s, and that is usually only a couple days here and there in late january through late february.

Our winters are usually in the 30s and 40s most of the time. It stays in the the upper 40s and low 50s through new years. White christmas is rare, I want to say maybe 5 or 6 in my whole life.


Rs90 t1_isloaeh wrote

Cause it feels like 10 when I'm riding my bike to work with tears in my eyes cause FUCK IT'S COLD. And then your coworker, who drove to work, is like "pretty this mornin. Only 45 and sunny!".

So experiences tend to warp perspectives. Yeah I'm aware it's not a tundra but it still gets cold as fuck in Richmond sometimes. May not be 10 degrees but it can sure feel like it when it's sticking to ya the way it does some mornins.

Edit- and yes I'm aware 45 n sunny ain't bad but I'm a weak bitch who hates the cold


revel911 t1_iski5uk wrote

I never said it was average … just that it does happen, while VERY unlikely in southern FL


Charlesinrichmond t1_isluqr7 wrote

I've personally experienced 26 in the evening in Miami. That said, that's beyond unusual. Normal is having AC on in car at noon


AONYXDO262 t1_ispe1ov wrote

I'd rather live in -10 degrees daily than move to that shithole.