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kailalawithani t1_ism1901 wrote

I haven’t seen it mentioned, but the culture in Florida is completely different than anywhere I’ve ever lived, which is 9 states and counting. I lived in FL (central and Tampa/St. Pete Metro) for 8 years between high school and college. The minute I graduated college I left the state and moved to DC.

Folks in Florida, at least in the areas I lived, are consumed by their appearance. I knew many girls who received plastic surgery of some sort as a HIGH SCHOOL graduation gift, and some that received their second round for college graduation. I used to joke that I was a Tampa 5 and a DC 8. Very few people keep their natural looks.

And another fascinating thing I noticed, Florida has more nice cars on the road than anywhere I’ve ever lived. We’re talking Bentleys, Maseratis, Lambos, Ferraris, suped out Audi coupes, more Land Rovers and Mercedes Gs than you could count! But they all live in shitty or mid level apartments or other rentals, and they all lease those cars! It’s wild. They’re more concerned with their cars, which they can drive around and show off, than the quality of where they live.

And they’re all ass holes. Genuinely. There is no neighborly love. Everyone’s out for themself!

So aside from the weather, lack of seasons, and old people who genuinely are a danger on the road, I left because of the culture. And after almost 10 years in Virginia and DC, I have never regretted it.


Charlesinrichmond t1_isofse7 wrote

can definitely confirm cars and high school graduation boob jobs in Miami