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Trouble__Bound t1_iub1z6h wrote

yeah but slightly less so than people who say 'cringe'


WorldsBestPapa t1_iub243u wrote

Just got you to say cringe . Checkmate .


Trouble__Bound t1_iucknmu wrote

.....thank you for providing me and any unfortunate passerby to this meaningless thread a neat little example of just how clever and entertaining humans can be, truly a monstrous display of humor and intellect

contrary to evidence provided in this post however i suspect that you are old enough to vote so your naivete, though unsurprising, is more than frustrating

keep kidding yourself though; the shit-eating grin you wear to support your illusion of happiness is telling adorable


Consol-Coder t1_iucko5s wrote

“Happiness isn’t an outside job, it’s an inside job.”


Trouble__Bound t1_iucl1ay wrote

i am under no obligation to be happy or even content with my unsolicited existence
