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Kindly_Boysenberry_7 OP t1_iu5tl85 wrote

Grow the most in terms of added housing units?

North of the River: I think all of "Greater Scotts Addition" which according to the City planners is now everything east of Arthur Ashe Boulevard, north of Broad, all the way to at least Lombardy, maybe even Harrison, including the Diamond District, the Sauers' parcels, and everything going up around Hardywood Brewery on the Hermitage corridor all the way over to Brook Road (Northside).

South of the River: Manchester/Blackwell. Every time I go over there I am amazed, it feels like someone has just plopped down another 10+ story tower. Unfortunately most of what is going up in Manchester/Blackwell seems to be rental, it doesn't seem like there are many for sale units. I'd really like to see more condos/townhouses/houses, not just rental. [NOTE: I could be wrong on that, the amount of "for sale" stuff, I am much more immersed in the north of the river neighborhoods because that's where I grew up and currently live].

But these are not the most undervalued neighborhoods IMO if you are looking to buy, if that's what you are asking. For that I'd pick Randolph and Maymont (North of the River) and Blackwell and Woodstock (South of the River). I also really like Hammond Place and Rosedale in Northside.


Totallamer t1_iu60xpy wrote

Yeah I live on the Randolph side of S Meadow and I have no idea why it's still so seemingly overlooked considering proximity to the Fan, etc...


mparrish6001 t1_iu6ylfi wrote

I think it's the totally different home styles compared to surrounding neighborhoods. Doesn't have the typical Richmond aesthetic.


Charlesinrichmond t1_iu71tua wrote

That's a good explanation. I also think people must just not be aware of it. I mean it's literally in the middle of all the parks next to the fan in the middle of the city. The location just kicks butt


Charlesinrichmond t1_iu71qxr wrote

I have no freaking clue the location is amazing for the price and nobody looks. Okay prices have gone up a lot but they are still cheap for the location


FromTheIsle t1_iu5x7xi wrote

I think with the restoration of the spring rock area and improvements slated for the Southside plaza area, Southside and even parts of N Chesterfield stand to be good places to see value growth. They will be building alot more units around here soon as well.


TripawdCorgi t1_iu5xup9 wrote

Adjacent to Blackwell is Oak Grove and I've been seeing more houses being built on empty lots, or old houses being torn down to rebuild on the land around here. Just within a 2 block radius of me there are 6 houses I can think of off the top of my head that are either new builds or remodels with another one under contract.

And of course, I must add, still no grocery store.


Kindly_Boysenberry_7 OP t1_iu60kmt wrote

Yes, TONS going on in Oak Grove too. On the grocery store thing, another real estate saying, albeit from the commercial world, is "retail follows roof tops." I have to think with all the new apartment units going in, as well as the single family houses being rehabbed or built, there will be a grocery store in Manchester soon. I mean, how many units have come on line since 2020, and how many more are in the planning and development stage?


Charlesinrichmond t1_iu60gj1 wrote

Totally agree though I still can't figure out whether Woodstock is Woodstock or woodhaven.

Randolph-maymont has gone up a lot but it's still way underpriced. I haven't looked at City stadium for a while but maybe that too


bookishbelle22 t1_iu6oksb wrote

That is super helpful, especially the undervalued city neighborhoods bit. Thank you! Any take on where you would buy if you were considering going out to the burbs?


Kindly_Boysenberry_7 OP t1_iu6r40q wrote

Okay I know NOTHING about Chesterfield County. That's my partner's expertise, so can't help you there. Same with Hanover County, I just don't know it well enough to be value added.

Lots depends on budget, need for decent school district, etc. If you are looking at $300,000+ but need a good elementary school, I like Westhampton Annex. If you don't need a decent elementary school, I really like Bryan Park and the area around Westwood Racquet Club. But I also like older homes, if you prefer new construction you'd probably look other places.


bookishbelle22 t1_iu6y9cn wrote

Thank you so much for replying (twice) and being so helpful! I am house-hopeful and new to the area so I really appreciate the advice from someone with experience!


Kindly_Boysenberry_7 OP t1_iu725b4 wrote

If you want to DM me your budget and your list of wants and needs, I'm happy to send you some thoughts. Welcome to RVA! Hope you are liking it.

ETA: Spelling


AwsumMcCoolName t1_iu8t6c6 wrote

Randolph is a great option for in the city. Fulton may be worth a look as well.