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sagegreen69 t1_itwu7y8 wrote

I feel you OP! As a gal who grew up in the city of Richmond safety was a large concern starting when I was old enough to run around town without adult supervision.

When I first moved out and left my neighborhood I found crime maps helpful to visualize where serious bad stuff was happening (homicide, robbery, assault, etc).

The map I've linked above will show you crimes reported. You can zoom in on Richmond and then filter by particular types of crime.
Please keep in mind that bad stuff happens everywhere. I try not to let it scare me into living a less vibrant life - but DO be aware of your surroundings, practice general street safety, stick with a buddy when appropriate (late at night walking around), don't engage with strangers in risky environments, and find some solid friends that you can share your location with who will follow up if you don't come home when expected etc.

You've got this! Welcome to Richmond and I hope you have a blast!