Submitted by CrassostreaVirginica t3_ycepvc in rva
Detlionsfan1188 t1_itm48zs wrote
I hate being the negative Nancy but Every job field seems to think they are underpaid when it comes to working between teachers and nurses and police and ems and just about any Public safety or Public job. While yes nurses both work in Public and private sector. We have a huge problem with the workforce between teachers and nurses and police. They serve three very critical area between educating young minds keeping us healthy and then keeping us safe. I’m going to be honest I’m not sure if any of those three ever come back to ever any sort of normalcy. I sadly think we have lost an entire generation of people who have become absolutely useless and worthless to society. I just don’t know what you do to correct losing and failing an entire generation. It’s going to cause a life time of problems for a lot of people.
Diet_Coke t1_itm686z wrote
>I just don’t know what you do to correct losing and failing an entire generation.
It's tough, because Boomers are already pretty old so there's not much you can do to turn it around for them. Unfortunately it just seems like the combo of lead paint and a lifetime of anti-communist propaganda have made them beyond saving. Additionally 'the Me generation' was raised to think only of themselves and are also unable to relinquish power so the Gen Xs, Millenials, and Gen Zs can get to work fixing things before we all die on a planet that's incapable of sustaining life.
Detlionsfan1188 t1_itm7k5t wrote
Well I thin the younger gens are a lot more dumber and have very little ambition to work for a living. I will say boomers have a very big share of people who want to see the younger gens fail but I also think the younger gens have very little ambition and want to be handed everything. I’ve always been told the world doesn’t owe you a damn thing you work for what you get. You just keep working until things change just quitting shows you have quit life altogether. It makes the higher ups and older gen prove their point to us younger gens. If we just walk out and quit our jobs it makes us look really weak. If we just quit our jobs and make ourselves so fragile to where we just quit then it makes us look inferior. I’m a harda$$ blue collar electrician and the pansy stuff has got to stop.
Diet_Coke t1_itm7yb8 wrote
I guess it all depends on your perspective and the people who cross your path. Laziness wasn't invented in 1985, I assure you there are plenty of older lazy people too. On the other side of the coin, plenty of young people take part in hustle culture.
Boomers failed us by letting productivity (total society-wide income produced by an hour of work) decouple from wages (value to an employee of an hour of work) in the 80s. Since 1979 productivity has gone up 62.5% while wages have only gone up 15.9%. That some people might not see the value of working when their work is consistently devalued is not very surprising.
Detlionsfan1188 t1_itmbpwa wrote
So if our wages keep going up then so will cost of living How can you do one without doing the other? We are kind of in that now in a way but out of being desperate for help. I really don’t see wages going up without the cost of living going up. I’m not sure how you do that. I know people want to live comfortable and live a healthy life style but you have to pay these people money and when you start paying them more the cost of goods go up. So explain to me how one gets raised but the other doesn’t? A business owner or tax payer isn’t going to lose money to finance someone else’s demand of a lot more money. People think a ceo will sacrifice by lowering his pay for people lower on the totem pole. Do people really expect someone will actually do that. We need to be content I know prices of crap sucks red tape regulations does that. The more handcuffs you put on stuff the more expensive stuff is. Just like I would never join the electircal union I would be handcuffed into what I could and couldn’t do and have zero freedom they control your entire life. I’m not wanting to be handcuffed not now nor ever.
Diet_Coke t1_itmcdd9 wrote
Wages go up → cost of living goes up → wages go up more ... as long as it stays in balance, that's not a bad cycle! Look around, every single thing has gotten more expensive since 1979, and there are additional expenses like internet bills that didn't even exist back then. Once upon a time, one person working even a modest job like milkman could support a whole family with a car and a nice house in the suburbs. That's just not possible today. Where'd all that extra money go? Straight to the very top of the economic totem pole.
Detlionsfan1188 t1_itmdow8 wrote
While that is very true my worry is I’m not sure if those days will ever return. I went out to short pump yesterday and every single place had a now hiring sign. How do you solve that? It’s absolutely nuts. My career alone as a tradesmen sees a lot of young guys coming in but not enough to fill the older guys both gen x and boomer. It’s going to be a hell hole when the majority of gen x retires. Gen y (millennials) while we will very soon be the largest gen on planet earth we really need to start getting our entire gen to fix this mess. I do remember my early working days even in high school where the cost of living was actually comfortable but over the years it’s gotten so bad. I don’t even know where you begin to correct it and with action the talk has got to stop the sad thing is they want us to quit because they will replace us with robots nobody seems to believe it. But when we are taken over by androids working then our very demise will be our own fault. We will be living in a shack while the android costs very little for a large company to maintain. Going to an urgent care just for a walk-in appt And get turned away because they have no staff is a huge problem.
Diet_Coke t1_itmg2i6 wrote
There's no reason those days can't return, we would just have to make it happen. A ton of places are hiring, and a lot of it is knock-on effects from Covid. Over a million people died, that's going to leave a hole in the economy. Other people decided to go back to school and get better jobs (which was always what they were told to do when they complained about working conditions, so can we fault them?) and others realized that the expenses of child or elderly care made working just not make sense. A lot of people have left the job hunt, and not necessarily just because they're lazy.
The future you envision with automatons is not unrealistic. It's basically what happened with computers, and why productivity and wages decoupled in the 80s. What's the solution? Stronger civics and unions. Why, for example, should bringing on an automaton electrician make everyone else on the job site unemployed? The same number of people could be kept on and, with robotic assistance, earn more for the same amount of work or earn the same for less work. One single employee would never be able to negotiate that, but with everyone's power combined then it is possible.
bruxalle t1_itmc52h wrote
“A lot more dumber”, you say?
gowhatyourself t1_itmcmby wrote
> Well I thin the younger gens are a lot more dumber and have very little ambition to work for a living.
every single generation has said this about the subsequent generation since the dawn of time. It's bullshit.
Lokky t1_itmje8x wrote
>are a lot more dumber
Oh the sweet sweet irony.
ill-disposed t1_itm9tkh wrote
I hope that you don’t work with kids, or frankly have any involvement with them in your life.
twelvesteprevenge t1_itnbup0 wrote
“Well I thin the youngest gens are a lot more dumber…” Hell of a lede there.
bruxalle t1_itmbyx8 wrote
We need teachers and nurses. Cops don’t do shit.
Detlionsfan1188 t1_itmq1ji wrote
I wonder why cops do nothing? Because they get crapped on by people like yourself who belittle them. Why would I help anyone who belittles me and degrades my entire profession. Yes bad cops exist but labeling every last one as evil is actually the evil in itself. People who label an entire group into one stereotype is the true evil.
bruxalle t1_itmstkg wrote
I’ve never done anything to a cop. On the other hand, I’ve been pepper sprayed, tear-gassed, beaten, berated, illegally searched, had things stolen from my car, and had a gun in my face on more than one occasion. On each of these occasions I was breaking zero laws. The cops don’t protect and don’t serve. They deserve every bit of criticism coming their way.
Detlionsfan1188 t1_itnlbas wrote
You say you weren’t breaking laws? Were you apart of the destruction of Richmond or cities in general during all of the riots that were on going before even trump was president? It has been going on since Obama was in office with Ferguson Missouri. This has been proven highly ineffective since the day people started destroying businesses and rioting and looting entire cities. It does zero good. The more people riot the more the cops have had enough of your crap. I don’t blame them for not doing anything now. I would have enough of your crap too. Then if I were your mom and dad and you came home I would smack the living crap out of you and make you wish you never did that to begin with. These kids or adults who act like children should of been put in a boarding school and been taught some discipline. Youngins today are nothing more than little turds who their parents don’t have time for them because they are too busy working. Kids need love they need attention. They need to be prepared for life. This is not how you prepare your child for life by teaching them to throw a giant tantrum.
bruxalle t1_itnpp8q wrote
Haha holy shit. Sorry, I didn’t realize I was talking to a lunatic. I’ll stop now.
Detlionsfan1188 t1_itnqljk wrote
Is that all you dems know how to do is name call and degrade people? that’s all dems resort to is name calling and complaining they don’t ever want to fix things or show any type of action. No wonder dems never make things better everything the dems touch goes to crap because you guys never bother to fix it. You just make things even worse. I hope the majority of the normal average citizen sees how crooked the dems are and when that red tsunami happens don’t looked shocked because it will go hand in hand how you guys handle stuff and approach things. If the red tsunami takes you for a ride I hope it’s a teaching lesson for the dems that what they have done has been extremely damaging. Any normal average person who has a brain won’t vote democrat even if it’s all they have done. You guys can kiss the Latino vote goodbye they see the crap the dems have pulled for decades. Enjoy losing your minority base who you use as political pawns. You reap what you sow and I hope you have enjoyed every last second destroying this country. The world mocks biden and the dems. The Saudi king mentioned today that joe biden isn’t right in the head. The whole world sees it other then the dems themselves. When the whole world sees it that’s a real problem where the dems need to take a good hard look at themselves in the mirror. Enjoy the free fall.
bruxalle t1_itns84z wrote
The fact that you immediately assume I’m a democrat just proves how lost you are.
of_patrol_bot t1_itnlcgz wrote
Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake.
It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of.
Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything.
Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.
PayneTrainSG t1_itnyggz wrote
I would shit on cops less if they could manage to do the easiest fucking parts of their job once in a blue moon. Has anyone in RPD ever done anything as radical as writing a ticket for a car parked in a bike lane?
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