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Jon_hamm_wallet t1_iuhg86f wrote

I don't leave until 8, when traffic is generally fairly heavy.

I'm working on getting sober and am trying out AA. I'm fairly familiar with the culture and basic tenets but I'm looking for secular-leaning meetings. Anyone got a good one they love? Went to one yesterday with barely a mention of God/higher power but I feel like I'll want to go to more than just one a week.

ETA: Feel free to PM me, Anonymous being a key point and all.

ETA again: thank you for all the suggestions!


shalomfromus t1_iuhhf8a wrote

Don’t know you and can’t help, but just wanted to say I’m really proud of you. :-)


bettygreatwhite t1_iuhhxim wrote

Hell yeah! Congrats on taking these steps, I’m proud of you! Sobriety is awesome. I know that VCU runs a spectrum of meetings through their Rams in Recovery program, and they are open to the public. Here is the weekly schedule and I know a good amount are hybrid so you can join through zoom. Good luck, and I’m always down to chat about sober stuff if you want to DM.


Horror-Fisherman-575 t1_iuhjrpz wrote

The ones at Diversity were my favorite (still sober but stopped going to AA). The Sunday morning one is great, well attended, people might mention god or higher power, but it was always more about community. Least stuffy. Really kind people. If I were to do meetings again, I’d for sure go to that one. Very, as one would imagine, diverse.


qui9 t1_iuhk9vi wrote

Maybe this isn't what you're looking for, but there's a group called Harm Reduction Works that has many virtual meetings each week. Twelve step didn't work out for me but this group has been super supportive, albeit from a distance since there aren't any harm reduction meetings in our area.


Asterion7 t1_iuhrmo5 wrote

Good on you for trying to change. Good luck.


wrenster00 t1_iui4zpf wrote

The stopdrinking subreddit is a great group too