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GrayRVA t1_iuhknof wrote

The SO and I binged hard on horror movies/series over the weekend and we drew battle lines over whether vintage films are scary. Halloween and Hellraiser were two that I found laughable because of the shitty special effects and acting.

Question for anyone who watched American Horror Story Hotel- we didn’t make it through the first episode because of the straight up gore. Did the guy in the bed missing his eyeballs and tongue survive?


ChuckBS t1_iuhngpi wrote

Aww, I rather liked the effects in Hellraiser. On top of that it's just a fucking bleak movie, which works so well.


chappedknee t1_iuhszxf wrote

Yeah it’s an actual masterpiece. One of my favorites of all time.


GrayRVA t1_iuhto4b wrote

To you and u/ChuckBS, how old were you when you watched it? I posit that these classics are only appreciated by people who saw them as a kid.


chappedknee t1_iuidvlj wrote

Over a decade ago as a young adult. Definitely not a kid, and am certain that it isn’t only people that grew up in the 80s that agree. Clive Barker is brilliant. I mean, the scene where Frank is being rebuilt is top 5 for practical effects in a horror film, it’s so good!!


ChuckBS t1_iujb2p9 wrote

That was such a neat scene. I love practical effects.


ChuckBS t1_iuhtv06 wrote

I actually watched it for the first time this year.


PickanickBasket t1_iuhtso1 wrote

Yes, he makes a full recovery and ends up running the hotel.


GrayRVA t1_iuhwcg0 wrote

No way! Thank you


PickanickBasket t1_iuhy6bm wrote

Haha sorry, I should have said /s.

The man's erection was super glued inside his dead paramour and they have to be transported to the hospital as-is and I don't think we ever see or hear from them again. They were just another clue to the serial killer.

The whole season is deeply visceral though- not just the gore and trigger warnings, but the atmosphere, colors and textures. It's a rough watch if you can't detach.


citrus_sugar t1_iuhwdts wrote

AHS Hotel is definitely one of the goriest of all the seasons; the best episode that you could probably watch as standalone is Devils Night but still probably some good there too.