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getfast37 t1_iu5bhp2 wrote

Unfortunately the average person isn't very good at sharing the road with others. Furthermore there are few real consequences for driving poorly or selfishly (as long as you don't crash.) So this is an uphill battle for all of us. :-(


DowninDowntown t1_iu5f0s6 wrote

And there seems to be an accident on the 95 heading out of the city every morning which always makes things 10x worse


bigdawgwhatup t1_iu5gniy wrote

What part of California are you from?


coconut_sorbet t1_iu5omaf wrote

Southern California uses the "the".


_R_A_ t1_iu6hqqy wrote

It's a (very annoying) SoCal trait that seems to be spreading.

I'm in LA right now and I insist on talking about the 405 and the 10 to make a hard east coast stance.


amazingD t1_iu72xny wrote

I grew up in Northern California and whenever I was down there I deliberately dropped the "the" before 1, 5, 10, 15, 57, 71, 91, 101, 105, 110, 210, 405, 605, 710, and any others I can't remember at the moment, as a retaliation for hearing the goddamn earrape that is "the 80" as well as a direct challenge to Anthony Villaraigosa and God.