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Ditovontease t1_iu5sx61 wrote

I've used public transportation thousands of times and no one was touching themselves. That said, my mom has had it happen to her in DC but that was once out of all the times she'd use it to commute to work every day.


mc4_life t1_iu7n9ls wrote

Public transport fuckin sucks.


Ditovontease t1_iu7or4j wrote

..have you ever lived in a place with decent public transport? you're out of your mind if you prefer being stuck in traffic in a car you have to drive. I don't understand this position at all.


mc4_life t1_iu8hzpr wrote

There's plenty around. Since COVID, it's been free. It's batshit crazy during all operational hours. Or are you out of your mind and you just prefer being surrounded batshit crazy people screaming and pretend they don't exist?
