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t1_itz97rg wrote

love coming to this sub for the consistent trivializing and victim blaming of pedestrian deaths!


t1_iu1l3v5 wrote

Are you saying that pedestrians don't hold some blame in some instances for being hit by vehicles? Based on the information provided in the article, the deceased was crossing the street mid block i.e. not at a crosswalk. I do not know who in this case is responsible but what I do know is crossing mid block and not at a crosswalk increases the chances of being hit by a car.


t1_iu5tlo1 wrote

im saying flocking to these stories to make fun of and blame pedestrians who die is pathetic, fuck off


t1_iu62imi wrote

Ahhhhh I’m tracking now. Next time, say what you mean the first time. Had I known this is actually what you meant, I would’ve replied by saying

People can’t help but get swept up into the fray of questionable behavior while online. I can’t speak for you but personally I just try and find ways to pave a path of happiness for myself.