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Odd_Invite_5528 t1_iurdyv3 wrote

RPS is the worst school district in the state and a total dumpster fire, but I assume you already know this


RVAringfinder t1_iurfut7 wrote

Whenever the school question comes up, there are several posts saying how God awful they are and several more swearing that they are doing God's work.

I suppose it depends on your POV. Give it a shot, and if you don't like it HCPS are next door.


Marino4K t1_iuruzz7 wrote

You want Henrico County schools if you have a choice, not that it’s perfect but it’s worlds better than RPS I’ve been told


eziam t1_iurvqi2 wrote

Depends on which part of Henrico County. The east end has the same issues with students BUT the administration is a tad better than RPS administration.