Submitted by Andrew_64_MC t3_yr0hvt in rva

First fall living in the fan and certainly happy to have the pretty trees, but wow, the leaves sure do pile up. Backing into a leaf pile to park seems like a recipe for a car fire.

I apologize for this slight rant. I got a ticket in my first month living here because I forgot to move my car which was totally my fault, but then how does the city have the audacity to not even clean the streets?



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DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_ivr7zfd wrote

>how does the city have the audacity to not even ...

You will be saying that a lot here.


Hiltson87 t1_ivr9itx wrote

Signs go up a few times a year, whenever Seiberts needs some extra money from towing people with little to no warning.

Actual cleaning, at least in Church Hill, once every 4-5 years and even then they'll basically just run down the middle of the street and miss a bunch of streets.

Been in my current place going on 7 years and they've done an actual cleaning on my block including the gutters once in that time.


Andrew_64_MC OP t1_ivrb242 wrote

Where I live, there’s actually towing enforced for two hours every single week. Super annoying if you plan to travel and leave your car. Granted, I wouldn’t recommend leaving your car street parked without checking it at least once a day.


55V35lM t1_ivrf65i wrote

The city no longer specifically cleans up the leaves - unless you pay for it ($30 or so) and that’s only for your property. They do have general cleaning once or twice a year - they cleaned our streets just before the leaves started falling


TripawdCorgi t1_ivrslap wrote

Depends on what neighborhood you live in. Theoretically it's 2x a year for all the city with some parts getting more due to high need. However... My neighborhood has not gotten it consistently twice a year since we moved here and some years they didn't come once (outside of the pandemic) soooooooo. But they definitely will still put up signs and have Seiberts tow your car regardless of whether they actually cleaned it or not.


Charlesinrichmond t1_ivrzep0 wrote

I haven't been paying close track but you can find out on the city website. That said I think it's twice a year. Just happened in the museum district


CoffeexCup t1_ivs0jp2 wrote

Are leaves the same as snow? Residents are responsible for shoveling city sidewalks in front of their homes.


bozatwork t1_ivtqg8b wrote

Not 100% accurate. They aren't doing free curbside vacuuming like they did the past several years. That's what you can pay $30 for if you want to request it. Otherwise, they will take bagged leaves. They also did come through with leaf blowers and a vacuum truck prior to the street cleaning truck, so if you know it's coming you could use that to your benefit.


55V35lM t1_ivukphe wrote

Not sure what’s inaccurate… the city no longer provides the mass leaf removal service it once did (it wasn’t free - it funded via the city’s revenue, ie taxes) and now leaves it up to property owners to clear themselves, pay someone to do it for them, or just leave them in the street for the next scheduled street cleaning - which may be 6+ months away. The city picking up bagged leaves doesn’t count for much, if anything