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RVADoberman t1_ixf57wx wrote

20 years ago I was at my lowest point. Newly divorced and suffering from chronic physical pain, I saw no way out.

It was very late on a Sunday night and I found the number for a local 24-hour suicide hotline in the RVA phone book. Not that I was about to do something, but I was alone and needed to hear someone tell me life was worth living.

I called the number and told the person who answered what was going on, and how I was struggling. After a pause he told me "Hey, I'm sitting in for the person who normally answers this line. I'm not sure what to say. Could you call back tomorrow morning after 9am?"

Ladies and gentlemen of RVA... that's when I decided that this world is too absurd NOT to keep going. I didn't call back on Monday, but instead worked on myself, got healthy, and am a happily married father of 2.

I hope you aren't alone on Thanksgiving, but if you are I hope you find a way make the best of it and realize this is just a stage in your life. A hard one, but you will get through it.