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elPrimeraPison t1_ivz38o0 wrote

not gangs. I said nothing about gangs.

More like people trying to rob you. I know people that have died because of gun violence in Richmond. While they it wasn't at a park, it was at night. Really it comes down to isolation. Robbers well look for dark secluded areas.

Some trails have trees that cover them entirely. Where someone can sneak up easily on you and rob you and there'd be no one else around for a good mile or 2. I should also mention rape can happen there too.

gun violence has gone up I don't think this will necessarily happen if you go out to the river , but its important to recognize that it can happen. If you're going out at night with a bigger group people you should be fine.

Again- this has nothing to do with gangs please be safe. Anywhere that's dark and secluded is probably not the best place to go to at night.