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alexfromjupiter t1_iy8037u wrote

waiting to hear back from an interview i had yesterday, and applying to more places in the mean time, i’ll take anything at the moment, i just need a job 🙃


popeboyQ t1_iy85uq2 wrote

Careful with that attitude, you could end up wiping asses for pennies.


alexfromjupiter t1_iy88tmz wrote

i’ve been jobless since my last day at spirit halloween on november 7th, i’ll take whatever i can get right now if it means i can have a paycheck again lol


KikiSparklexx t1_iy98yas wrote

Good luck! What kind of jobs are you looking for?


alexfromjupiter t1_iyal71b wrote

thanks! i’m really just applying everywhere at this point, easier to get a job when you have a job and all that