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skatarina t1_iy74b7v wrote

Noticed it a few days ago. How much do you reckon it costs to rent it out for a good few months so we can put a giant picture of literally anything else up there like the Lowe’s cat or maybe a hammerhead shark


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iy7rzxh wrote

A big bold "BE GAY DO CRIME" billboard would go nicely there.


TripawdCorgi t1_iy82q2s wrote

I would donate some of my queer dollars to make that happen.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iy8csac wrote

Call the billboard company, get a quote, start a gofundme. I'll contribute but I'm way too lazy to organize


TripawdCorgi t1_iy8sjtq wrote

Normally I would be down to organize, but at least for the immediate future I've got too many things on my plate stressing me the eff out right now and I have to recognize when I'm at capacity, but will happily toss some money at a GoFundMe if someone here does this.


NannyW00t t1_iy99mwc wrote

Lamar is the main billboard company, and according to their website a ‘Poster’ sized billboard (like the location in Carytown), would range from $300 to $2500. Prices depend on location, length of campaign, and number of ad locations purchased. So, budget for the $2500 range.

Edit: a word


skatarina t1_iy9cptr wrote

What about the one on Arthur Ashe? I drive by that one a good amount. I think the user who suggested BE GAY DO CRIME has a solid idea


theb0tman t1_iy8iln2 wrote

I've never been more happy to throw my money at something dumb