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[deleted] t1_ivfo4w9 wrote


JVorhees t1_ivg9ats wrote

It's literally on the page OP pulled this from but I'm guessing they didn't read it:

>In situations where traffic is flowing at highway speeds with no or minimal back-ups, drivers should merge early to the open lane when it is safe to do so.


cr4zy-cat-lady t1_ivfsbch wrote

this! if you try and zipper merge when traffic is at full speed and you're going 10 below, you're an asshole


Greencare_gardens t1_ivh15zd wrote

I mean that's not technically zipper merging - zipper merging means you're going with the flow of traffic not creating more


cr4zy-cat-lady t1_ivhd4xo wrote

It technically is, as a zipper merge is “where drivers use both lanes of the highway until the point where one lane ends, and then take turns merging into the single lane”.