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Chrahhh t1_ixi2ny8 wrote

Owning slaves is horrible in 2022, but it wasn’t (to wealthy landowners who could) in 1860.


goosey65 t1_ixi6vrv wrote

Please, I am begging you to even just read the Wikipedia about American Slavery before writing shit like that. Just because something was “socially acceptable” in certain circles doesn’t make it not horrible. American Slavery was an inhumane, genocidal practice that elevated slavery to unknown level of cruelty and profit.


Chrahhh t1_ixi76k0 wrote

who tf said slavery wasn't horrible? all i said was in 1860 it wasn't widely considered inhumane. the people who lived 150+ years ago don't have our modern moral compass to guide them.


goosey65 t1_ixi7p0p wrote

Large factions of society and the world didn’t agree with it- hence the civil war, the abolitionist movement, the fact that even England stopped participating in the slave trade system years before the USA. It’s a myth that people didn’t know slavery wasn’t a fucked practice. People chose profits over humanity and we don’t have to celebrate that or uphold it.


Chrahhh t1_ixi8km8 wrote

*insert image of me, talking at a wall*

here's a video that might help you understand