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docskreba t1_ixytkrx wrote

Not even remotely a secret, but I like the tacky light tours. Lots of cool houses in the area. Although my favorite was always the one on Laburnum that synced their lights to music but I guess they don’t do it anymore?


hikerva t1_ixz3e3u wrote

I loved that house, too! I think I googled it last year & found a web page for them that said it was over.


stillceleste t1_ixzcxhn wrote

I've never done the tacky lights tour and I figured it would be something cool to show my parents. They are coming from outside of the US and never experienced an American Christmas before. Where does it start? What's the best way to drive around it? Any other places I should take them to get the full experience? Was thinking King's Dominion and/or the drive thru light show at Meadow park, the botanical gardens... What else?


SarahOnTheHill t1_ixzd6mb wrote

I love the houses on Wistar Court! We go to see them every year.


Ashbin t1_ixzphe9 wrote

I think my first time there might have been in the 1980s. In any event, amazing how long it has been kept up on Wister.


SarahOnTheHill t1_iy1w66b wrote

I just saw that this will be the last year for Mr. Christmas on Wistar!

The lights are great and the RTD article mentions he has raised over $175k for the Virginia Home for Boys and Girls with the donations he’s gathered from those of us who have enjoyed his displays.

Man, I am double making sure we do this now.


RV-Yay t1_ixzhayj wrote

RTD has a list / map of a lot of them in the area.

We did it a few years ago and just picked the ones closest to us to drive around. It was fun! We've been out of town the last two years, but we'll be here this year so we plan to do it again.


stillceleste t1_ixzhmg8 wrote

Thank you for this! I didn't know much about the tour. I somehow thought it was like one big strip but I see there are several locations. Picking the ones closest sounds like the way to go.


Ashbin t1_ixzp917 wrote

Have to agree. It's getting out to see the lights, and wondering just how far some people will go. Still amazing how people get power out to all that stuff if their yard/house is really loaded with lights without blowing a breaker.