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SpicyyySalsaaa OP t1_iy44a4m wrote

Honestly have never been in an Ikea, looks like the only ones are in Norfolk and Nova areas.

I've heard bad things tho, are they super cheap compressed MDF?

I'm fine with putting together furniture, but if it's that paper like MDF I wouldn't be too interested.

Would like to see/touch it in person to make sure it isn't like the $20 tables from Walmart lol.

I guess price isn't REALLY a huge concern, I'd rather pay a little extra and get some quality for a piece that will last indefinitely


skeevy-stevie t1_iy46k13 wrote

They’ve got some quality stuff, it might be MDF, but isn’t flimsy or anything like what you’re thinking.


MrsLeeds13thChild t1_iy4b3go wrote

I agree, you can get decent looking stuff from IKEA if you avoid the cheapest options, and adding nicer knobs is an easy way to upgrade the look of a dresser or nightstand.


SpicyyySalsaaa OP t1_iy4dd4h wrote

That's all good! The MDF from Walmart feels like compressed paper lol I know there's better MDF out there for sure


WontArnett t1_iy4fb7y wrote

With Ikea it depends on the finishing materials. Some of the finishes they use damage easily, so you have to read up on that for items you buy.


plasticimpatiens t1_iy5qkkg wrote

ikea has a few solid wood options that are reasonably priced. i got my pine kitchen table from there


Charlesinrichmond t1_iy6c0mk wrote

they are super cheap garbage, but so is everything else you are looking at.

Only way you are getting quality furniture with your criteria is used, and it will be a hunt. American furniture is garbage up to a surprisingly expensive price point, because that's what people want - they are planning to chuck it in 5 year.s

In which case just do Ikea. It's garbage but fairly priced