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momthom427 t1_j23ipag wrote

The extent of my holiday travel was a quick day trip to see family in Lynchburg. Otherwise, I’m lucky that my (mostly young adult) children come to me. I love to cook for them. The downside of that is the time from thanksgiving to New Year’s is one enormous slide into becoming a small whale. Once they leave, I will spend the winter becoming a smaller whale by spring.


[deleted] t1_j23l9f8 wrote



momthom427 t1_j23vlc4 wrote

I’m saying I feel like a whale after all of the Thanksgiving to New Year’s eating and drinking. Time to tone it down after New Year’s, start eating better and less, and get back into working out.


moneytalka t1_j23xkh4 wrote

I get that completely. I got on the scale this morning and the battery died. My first thought was I broke it. All the goodies for Christmas were very indulgent this year. I asked hubby to pick up tiramisu for Christmas Eve and he brought home a whole tray. I think I'm going to wait a couple of weeks before replacing the battery ☺️.


momthom427 t1_j23y3iu wrote

Oh I am with you. I think I’ll wait until about February 1 to weigh myself and use January as a buffer.