Submitted by predicktable_x t3_zqufdx in rva

Dang. My wife and I just went by Diversity Thrift to drop off some donations. We had completely forgotten that today was an election day (democratic primary). The crowd there was nutso. Line wrapped around the whole building.

We didn't have time, so we skipped it. If Morrissey wins please tell me i suck. But jeez the line was craykray.

Did not get to make the donation drop.



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notslackingatworkno t1_j0zyu27 wrote

I just hope that everyone who has this realization that the long line voting situation at Diversity Thrift today is one that a solid swath of people have to deal with every single time they want to vote on something.

This situation was precarious due to Youngkin being a fucking asshole and setting a very short timeline for primaries that state parties had to organize without the VA BoE throwing their weight around to secure public locations.

Most of the time, though, things are very purposefully set up to make sure that a lot of people that fit certain demographic boxes have the exact same reaction as OP and skip voting.


fusion260 t1_j100z0x wrote

>I just hope that everyone who has this realization that the long line voting situation at Diversity Thrift today is one that a solid swath of people have to deal with every single time they want to vote on something.

Indeed, this is why weeks-long early voting windows and giving folks ample time to go out when everyone else isn't trying to do that same exact thing is incredibly convenient.

Every early voting experience in Richmond and Henrico (and before I moved to VA, Broward County, FL) has often been me walking right up to the door, getting my ballot, voting and scanning it, and collecting my sticker in less than 10 minutes tops. No long lines, no frustration, no waiting in the sun or rain or cold.

It boggles my mind that there's a sizable subset of the electorate who believe voting should only take place on one single day and that's what's best for democracy.


coconut_sorbet t1_j10bjfj wrote

> It boggles my mind that there's a sizable subset of the electorate who believe voting should only take place on one single day and that's what's best for democracy.

I'm pretty sure they know it's disenfranchising to people voting the opposite way they are, and that's why they want to limit it. I don't believe they think it's truly best for democracy.


joshatworkreddit t1_j10mzm7 wrote

Seems to be about a solid 40-60 minute wait at Diversity…I left and went to Dogtown Dance in Manchester (15 minutes away) and was back in my car in 10 minutes. Lots of people, but they’re a well oiled machine. Fuck Joe Morrissey.


DJKittyDC t1_j0zydqz wrote

Dogtown Dance is okay right now! Short line but people are moving fast


Soloemilia t1_j102qvg wrote

Yup! I’m volunteering here now. Head across the river we are rolling!


lunar_unit t1_j106j7n wrote

Thanks for volunteering. That was a tightly run ship!


TripawdCorgi t1_j11grv5 wrote

Don't know if you were there this morning but I was impressed with how quickly you all were moving massive amounts of people through. Took me between 5-10 minutes despite feeling like we were crammed in.


t00oldforthisshit t1_j11drg5 wrote

Thank y'all so much! Please communicate to your fellow volunteers that y'all are rocking it!


sheeler t1_j10lp6v wrote

I just got back from there and it's still super well organized and rolling on through. Thanks to everyone who's making that happen today!


coconut_sorbet t1_j10bb5e wrote

Go over to Dogtown Dance in Manchester! Quick(ish) lines! Voting is important!


Sabriel-17 t1_j100jyf wrote

We waited in the line! It actually went very quick. Efficiently run with lots of volunteers. The line was wrapped around the building and we were in and out in about 40 minutes. Wear a warm coat and bring some gloves but overall not a bad experience.


AndThenThereWasQueso t1_j10bwjk wrote

Tiniest line at Dogtown Dance Theatre at 2pm. In and out in 5 minutes! And got a free Redbull!


lunar_unit t1_j1064vz wrote

Just came from the voting station in South Side in Manchester. Very smooth and organized. Parking/traffic was a bit congested, but we parked a few blocks away and walked. In and out in less than 15 minutes, though the line was getting longer when we left at 1:15.

Go Vote.


Asterion7 t1_j106k24 wrote

Also went to Dogtown and was in and out in about ten minutes.


lunar_unit t1_j106vyy wrote

I'd never been inside that building, so that was a cool bonus.


Asterion7 t1_j1071ko wrote

It's a nice building. Curious to see what studio 23 ends up doing with it.


Expensive_Barber680 t1_j10f69x wrote

Just left the IBEW Local 666 location. Traffic to get there was a bit slow. Once inside, minimal (10 min, maybe?) of standing in line and voting done.


stickynohte t1_j10sbyg wrote

Ah good lookin out. Gonna attempt diversity after work but if it’s looking insane, I’ll maybe try Dogtown. At least, I’ll be in line by 7.


Newyew22 t1_j119o9a wrote

Thank you for your service, VA-4 voters. Your neighbors thank you.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_j119hdf wrote

I just rode past there on my evening commute up Brook. There was bumper-to-bumper traffic for the length of Sherwood Ave.

If your flexible, maybe go vote at a different polling location


C0usin t1_j10qqn4 wrote

40 minutes total at Diversity


jacksonwarg t1_j10slng wrote

My car is a bicycle, which place has bike racks, dogwood or diversity? Or somewhere to lock up, not a rack necessarily.

Edit- thanks all I ended up going to diversity and locked up to a sign post because I had to stop by kroger. But I probably could have ridden to dogwood/town, voted, ridden back and done my shopping in the amount of time I waited in line there.


fartinaround t1_j10tora wrote

Idk if there’s a true bike spot but there’s plenty of poles and a fence near dog town dance to lock to


TripawdCorgi t1_j11h9fe wrote

I did not know about this app until earlier this year but omg it's so helpful when on bike. Bicycle Parking, app icon looks like a white bike parked at a red rack on a black background. It's like Google maps but for bike parking and repair stations.


drkev10 t1_j114nf2 wrote

There's a fence across the street from dogtown you can secure your bike to.


MartianCleric t1_j11592x wrote

Big fence in front of dogwood. Saw a guy ride his bike there just a few minutes ago.


BiscuitsnDumplings t1_j10acph wrote

Here now at Diversity, expecting a total 45 minutes. Efficient and civil. VOOOTE!!!


-B001- t1_j118pfs wrote

Same here. I got there around 430, and there were cars everywhere, and a long line. So I ran another errand.

****Later Update: I drove to Manchester. The line was around the block, but that line MOVED! I was in line for 15 minutes, in and out. I also made a good decision to park a block and ½ down on Porter -- because Bainbridge traffic was messy.


Theonlyburrito t1_j11bbr1 wrote

In line now. It’s long, but moving quickly. And there’s snacks/hand warmers. Candidates are starting to show up to close the night. I’d suggest avoiding trying to park IN the lot. Park in the street and walk a few blocks…


SecureMechanic9794 t1_j11onx2 wrote

Dogtown Dance in Manchester had a line, but it move very quickly.


Nancy_Wheeler t1_j10mbx1 wrote

Just drove by and the line is still wrapped around the building!