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jacksonwarg t1_j10slng wrote

My car is a bicycle, which place has bike racks, dogwood or diversity? Or somewhere to lock up, not a rack necessarily.

Edit- thanks all I ended up going to diversity and locked up to a sign post because I had to stop by kroger. But I probably could have ridden to dogwood/town, voted, ridden back and done my shopping in the amount of time I waited in line there.


fartinaround t1_j10tora wrote

Idk if there’s a true bike spot but there’s plenty of poles and a fence near dog town dance to lock to


TripawdCorgi t1_j11h9fe wrote

I did not know about this app until earlier this year but omg it's so helpful when on bike. Bicycle Parking, app icon looks like a white bike parked at a red rack on a black background. It's like Google maps but for bike parking and repair stations.


drkev10 t1_j114nf2 wrote

There's a fence across the street from dogtown you can secure your bike to.


MartianCleric t1_j11592x wrote

Big fence in front of dogwood. Saw a guy ride his bike there just a few minutes ago.