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GrayRVA t1_j01nu5g wrote

Last year I told my family what I want: nothing but time with them. Results were mixed. This year I upped my game and responded to The Question with “I knew you were going to ask me this, so I put together a list with links for you…..”. [Commence applause.] “I‘ll send it as soon as I get your list.” To date, no one has seen my list.


tequilaanddeadlifts t1_j01ux3m wrote

I send a list every year for me and my s/o and keep a notes app on my phone with a running list of things mentioned by friends and family so I can always have a gift idea ready. My sister sent us hers for her and her husband and it says “ivf support and T shirts that aren’t just plain black. (Apparently we get him the same kind every year)😂) not a lot to go on this year


GrayRVA t1_j02atxq wrote

I definitely keep a “me” running list. It includes cafe lights for my porch, wreath supplies, and Harry Potter Illustrated books 4 & 5. I will happily buy presents for family that sends me a wish list and I do buy things during the year that scream so-and-so needs this item. But I’m not buying random shit just to surprise people with random shit.