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t1_izb8yfs wrote

> But moving it a few minutes further down the road outside of an invisible border will prevent it from affecting the city at all.”

Literally no one here has said that- this is just you inventing something that doesn’t exist so you can wag your finger at it.


t1_izbaeg0 wrote



t1_izbcsmr wrote

Ah ok, one comment which wasn’t referring to any part of Petersburg that’s “15 minutes” south of Richmond. But I guess you adeptly conclude that we all agree it’s fine.


t1_izbdi1e wrote



t1_izbf2ra wrote

Petersburg the city, which is what that person was talking about, is a 30 min drive. Not 15, which is what you are imagining that we all believe is fine.

> any logical reading of the anti-casino folks’ arguments in context makes it clear the vast majority believe that.

This is instructive about how your broken logic works. Because you saw a handful of comments by noisy redditors you can somehow deduce what the “vast majority” believe.

I guess that’s similar to how you deduced what 85% of people want based on the votes of 15%.