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what-the-what24 t1_ize31qu wrote

Driving to Northern Virginia for a large work meeting. Not looking forward to the drive or the meeting. I keep reminding myself that I’m going to see my team (some of whom I’ve never met in person because they were hired during the pandemic) and that I can tolerate all of the large meeting nonsense and large group small talk for their sake.


DowninDowntown t1_ize3se9 wrote

I have some good podcasts to recommend! Helps with the mind numbing drive/traffic


TheCheeseDevil OP t1_ize53zc wrote

Hit us with them. On my long roadtrips I like to listen to Last Podcast on the Left (not everyone's cup of tea) and DND play podcasts (Dungeons & Daddies is my favorite, but they do play fast and loose with the rules of DND).


GaimanitePkat t1_izf6po2 wrote

>On my long roadtrips I like to listen to Last Podcast on the Left (not everyone's cup of tea)

Listening to the Children of God series on my way up to decorate the tree with family has become a tradition for me, ever since my husband pointed out it's one of the worst ones to listen to before a family gathering.


Optimiasma t1_ize9aef wrote

I'm not a big Hollywood/film industry person but I really enjoy Naked Lunch.


skeevy-stevie t1_ize4l1h wrote

I saw four cops between Ashland and Fredericksburg…


WhyNotBuild t1_ize6f9w wrote

Thanks for the heads up. Things always seem to ramp up during the holidays so it’s good to keep extra caution out on the roads.