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Herculicia t1_ize46hj wrote

Working on adding stuff to The Weekend Event Thread! Lots of fun things going on this weekend, check it out!


manyamile t1_ize4eq9 wrote

Look at you being all helpful and shit by contributing to the subreddit. You’re awesome. 🏆


anomadichobo t1_ize9j9s wrote

Appreciate your work on these, have found some great events from your postings!


weasol12 t1_izedq5x wrote

Is that going to be pinned?


Herculicia t1_izee3xx wrote

Reddit only allows two threads to be pinned, and the mods have chosen the Daily and the Buy/Sell/Trade posts.


gravy_boot t1_izggsu8 wrote

Maybe they could do a pinned comment in the Fridaily linking to the event thread? Will be easy to forget though, Idk if automod can be set up to do that..

Edit/ or pin the event thread on Friday with a pinned comment to the Fridaily. The options seem limitless!