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stickynohte t1_izec4f3 wrote

Gonna take a stroll to grab a coffee in a bit, kinda in the mood for a more indulgent drink than my regular iced coffee.

Getting my booster this afternoon - I must’ve missed a round of boosters at some point because I’ve only gotten the one, last December. Whole family has had covid recently so just doing my part to protect The Grandparents in a few weeks. Anyway, I don’t handle needles well so I’ll be a full grown adult borderline in tears. Can’t wait!


[deleted] t1_izi1rmk wrote

I need my booster but I just have been busy and forgot. It'll be my luck if I get The Rona because everyone else here is allergic to personal space


stickynohte t1_iziiko0 wrote

I got mine at Target- lots of availability and it took only 5 minutes! Plus I’m always there anyway so it forced me to stop putting it off. Downside: then I shopped.


[deleted] t1_izir086 wrote

Thanks. I need to.NOT SPEND MONEY. But I need to look at glasses there.